Getting Closer...
>> Friday, August 21, 2009
Another quick word! I am just so excited by these steps that I haven't wanted to wait to formulate a big interesting post about it.
As I said earlier today, Max was starting to overcome that little bit high of a Co2 level, and we were happy for that! We figured Dr. Kays would stay in that "holding pattern" for the day, since Max was bouncing back slowly (not that he ever was very bad). When we went down the hall to spend more time with him this afternoon, Dr. Kays had called to have Max's vent turned down even more.
They took him from 24 to 20 breaths per minute...which just means more of Max doing the work on his own. I was so surprised by that further action, but ya know, Dr. Kays has successfully rehabilitated many many babies, many more than anyone in the country. I think I'll trust his opinion on the weaning plan!
I am anxious to see what Max's blood gas is at 8pm tonight, after another vent change, and him not totally catching up yet on the Co2 stuff. But, Jordan made a really good point. We have been really fixated on anything above 50 being bad for his Co2, but that's not really the case, it's just a ballpark. If Max is at 62, and if that were bad, Dr. Kays wouldn't be making changes. So we are going to try to not hang on the numbers on the monitor so much. Other families told us we'd become stats obsessed because it's just one way of understanding, and they're right. We are going to try to step back from that, or at least not expect such specific results.
At this rate, if Max continues to take it, I hooooope HOPE the ventilator is off by Monday!! eek!
Also, looks like I'm spending another night here, my swelling is down, but still pretty big. Yuck.
I must have missed something- why are you in the hospital? I thought you went back to the RMH? Swelling? My goodness- I hope all is ok!
I'm so glad Max is doing so well! The CO2 was big for K as well... and you are right- it's hard not to focus on those numbers- but they are there and give you a ball park of how he is doing. :)
He certainly is a rock star! Glad you got to end the day on another positive note. Excellent advise-don't fixate on the numbers! (yeah right, easier said than done, I'm sure!)
Go Max GO! Following you from Australia! Hope your off the vent by Monday.
Baby k Mama, I got an ugly infection at my incision...they originally gave me over the counter antibiotics, but then had to be admitted for IV antibiotics, today's day 3, probably get out tomorrow? :) I'm okay though!
Praying for max from Kansas!
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